Te Ngae Physiotherapy and Pilates is located on the east side of Rotorua in the Redwood Centre.
To find us:
- Heading out of town turn right at the Tarawera Rd roundabout then right again into Redwood Centre entrance opposite the La Bonne Bakery and Cafe.
- Heading into town turn left at Tarawera Rd roundabout and right into Redwood Centre entrance opposite the La Bonne Bakery and Cafe.
We’re facing towards Te Ngae Road alongside the Te Ngae Medical Centre and Pharmacy.
There is plenty of convenient parking located just in front of the building.
Te Ngae Physiotherapy and Pilates
Opening Hours
The above hours are related to Physiotherapy contact times. Pilates schedule differs.
Closed weekends and public holidays.
Pilates mat classes are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings. Please contact us for additional equipment class and individual session times. Click here for current timetable.